Swimming Pool Repairs
Over time, pools beging to break down. Gunite pool surfaces get rough and pitted. Give us a call and let us take a look at your swimming pool. We are glad to offer suggestions for improving your pool and provide you with a free estimate, with no obligation. Below, you will find a summary of our swimming pool repair services. If you do not see the swimming pool service you need for your pool, just let us know and will be happy to assist you. For any questions, please call us at 817-713-2568. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Skimmer Replacements
Structural Crack Repairs
Pool skimmers are a common place for leaks, due to pool and/or deck movement. Older skimmers tend to be brittle and are prone to cracking. Existing skimmers can be repaired, but it is only a temporary solution and depending on the damage, it may be best to replace the entire skimmer.
Due to the nature of Texas soil, pool structure cracks are far too common. Not all cracks leak, but they may over time. We use custom made stainless steel plates and staples bonded with anchoring epoxy to help keep your pool together. Plates are installed under your coping if you have cracks that originate at the pool beam. Staples can be used on any cracks, usually at every 12".
Tile and Coping Repairs
Leak Repairs
The Right Way Pool Solutions offers a variety of professional tile and coping repair services for your pool. We will remove your existing outdated and/or damaged tile, prepare the surface, and install new tile. We replace outdated and/or damaged coping to install your newly selected coping. We are also able to reset loose coping and/or remortar joints in most natural stone coping.
Is your pool leaking? We can fix it. Common leaks can be found in your skimmers, waterfalls, sheer descents, and your light conduit. If you haven't had a leak test yet, give us a call at 817-713-2568 or contact us here.
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